1. Who are we

Edinburgh Adult Psychiatry Limited is a limited company registered in Scotland. We provide online consultations with qualified psychiatrists. 

We will use information about you, called personal data, to provide you with our services and we collect that though this website but mainly in person. Some of this will be health data which is more sensitive. This notice sets out how we use that personal data. 

2. Contact details 


Phone: 0131 364 4758

3. What personal data we collect and why we collect it

Website Users

We will collect contact details from you through our website and they will be used to respond to your queries. 


If we provide you with our services then we will collect a lot more information about you as a patient, including sometimes very sensitive information. Anyone who works with us has a duty of confidentiality to our patients and all our qualified staff have a professional duty of confidentiality in relation to information provided when treating you as a patient. 

The information we obtain from our patients will be used to:

  • Contact patients about appointments; 
  • Administer our relationship with our patients, including for billing purposes; and
  • Provide our patients with medical care.

4. Legal bases

We use contact and financial information about you in order to administer the provision of our services. 

In relation to information about your health, including your mental health, this is known as special category personal data, and we use this information to provide you with health care. 

We sometimes use personal data because we have a business reason (legitimate interest) to do so, but only where there is little or no impact on you. You will always have the right to object to our using your information in this way using the contact details above.  

Sometimes we rely on your consent to send you information about us. You always have the right to ask us to stop using your contact information in that way using the contact details above. 

5. Sharing your data 

When sharing information, we will provide the minimum information required and only if there is a legal basis for that. We will generally obtain your consent prior to sharing your data and this will generally be for the purposes of ensuring that you receive ongoing care.

In very unusual situations it may be necessary to share information without your consent to protect you or others from harm or if there is a court order. If we share information in this way we will always ensure that we have a legal basis for sharing information about you and the information shared will be limited to that which is appropriate, relevant and proportionate. 

6. Storage, security and retention

We use a practice management system provided by Pabau who specialise in providing software for healthcare. Pabau’s terms and conditions set out that they will store information in the UK, securely and will only process it as instructed by us. We are confident that the information stored by Pabau is handled securely and confidentially.

7. Your data protection rights

Under data protection law, you have rights including:

  • Right of access - You have the right to ask us for a copy of your personal information. You also have the right to information about how we use your data. This notice should answer most of your questions but you should contact us if you have further queries. There may be unusual circumstances where we cannot provide you with a copy of your records but that will be decided by a medically qualified individual and will be because they consider that the information would harm you. 
  • Right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete. 
  • Right to erasure - You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain, limited circumstances. 
  • Right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances. 
  • Right to object to processing - You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances. You have an absolute right to ask us to stop sending you marketing material and updates about our services.  

There is no charge for exercising these rights unless your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive. If it is, we will charge a reasonable fee or refuse to comply with your request.  

Once a request is made, it will be acknowledged and we may ask for confirmation of identification from you and/or seek clarification of your request. 

We will do our best to respond without undue delay and within one month of receiving your request. However, if the request is complex, we can extend that by another two months but if we do need more time, we will let you know why. 

Please make any requests using the contact details above.

8. How to complain

If you have any concerns about the way that we collect and use your data then please contact us using the details above and we will do our best to address these concerns. 

However you can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data and their contact details can be found here.

9. Changes to our privacy notice

We keep our privacy notice under review and will require to make changes from time to time. We will highlight any substantial updates on our website. 

This privacy notice was last updated on 10th march 2022 .